Co-sleeping Resources
Co-sleeping (often spelled cosleeping, and also known as bed sharing or having a family bed) is the practice of keeping your infant with you when you sleep, either directly in your bed or on a sleeping surface next to your bed.

Co-sleeping promotes breastfeeding, healthy bonding, and secure attachment, and it is safer than isolated crib/cot sleeping when practiced correctly.
Co-sleeping beyond the breastfeeding years is common in many non-Western cultures, and even in the West many families choose to extend
Infants and children sleeping in isolation is a modern cultural practice to which the human species is not adapted. Our young thrive and grow optimally when they feel safe — in close proximity to familiar, nurturing caregivers — especially during sleep when they are most vulnerable. Modern parents have been misled to believe the practice is inherently dangerous, but if that were true, the human species would not have survived
Open-minded parents who’ve learned to “think outside the crib” are discovering that
Learn more about co-sleeping...
- Safe Cosleeping Guidelines - Frequently Asked Questions
- The Natural Child Project, co-sleeping articles - Ask Dr. Sears, author of The Attachment Parenting Book - Study: “Cosleeping is twice as safe” - CoSleeping page on Facebook - Co-sleeping on Wikipedia
Updated: February, 2023